Know the benefits for the
the Health sector

Find here the benefits you will achieve by installing an Omnienviro HDMR water stucturer in the health sector.

Main benefits in:

  • Aging
  • Weight loss
  • Strengthening of the immune system
  • Vitality and mood
  • Physical performance

Water is the cause of many health inconveniences for human beings, structured water (preferably with previous filtration), is a guarantee of hydration, nutrition, and highly efficient elimination of toxins; These and many more benefits are obtained by structuring water and beverages with an HDTM portable funnel.



Since aging is associated with the loss of structured water from the body, it has been suggested that the consumption of hexagonal water may result in a slowing of the aging process.


Strengthening of the Immune System

A properly hydrated and nourished body will be better prepared to defend itself against infections and other harmful elements; structured water efficiently transports the components of the immune system, improves the absorption of nutrients and the elimination of waste that weakens us.



Weight loss

• Efficient removal of toxins

• Greater cellular hydration

• Less feeling of hunger due to adequate hydration


Vitality and Mood

Adequate hydration favors the level of concentration and attention; It also decreases the chances of presenting depressive states, reluctance, apathy, and loss of energy in general. Drinking structured water increases our vitality.



  • Ganaderia Zorillos

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