Our Testimonials


  • "During our last harvest season we achieved a 21% increase in yield on our broccoli using the Omni water systems"
    Scott Howington
  • "Electrostatic reduction and seed separation to facilitate sowing".
    Bolthouse Farms
  • "Increase of 19 bales in our 10-acre controlled trial. Greater new growth and yield with just a single watering."
    Peter LoBue
    LoBue Farms
  • "It works as effectively as plaster on leech fields."
    Grimmway Farms
  • "The Omni Enviro water system results in better water penetration for my vegetable crops; thus, I use less water."
    Matthew Englehart
    Be Love Farm/Cafe Gratitude
  • "Using the Omni Enviro system helped with my hard water problem, increased my crop yield and improved plant quality."
    Matt Hayes
    Bounty of the Valley
  • "We have improved the yields and quality of our Radicchio by utilizing the Omni Enviro water system. We also achieved significant scale reduction in our cooling tower."
    Jeff Marchini
    J.Marchini Farms
  • "My baby spinach production was 35% higher with the Omni unit. It gave me uniformity in seed germination so I could harvest everything at the same time."
    Wayne Gularte
    Rincon Farms
  • “In my thirty years of farming, I have not seen corn like this. We got a 27% increase in yields with the Omni Enviro system.”

    Chuck Dees
    Drip 2000 Irrigation
  • "We had an 800 pound per acre increase in our spinach program using the Omni Enviro water system, as well as a reduction in our water usage."

    Mike Thorp
    Tanimura and Antle
  • "I started out hesitant, thinking the units would be in the way of the water. As soon as I put this system on, I noticed my pressure dropped and I immediately had better water flow. With the drought conditions here in Kansas, my neighbors said my corn should be burned by now... however, we are still going strong. You have to come here at the end of the harvest so we can share this with our farming community."

    Larry Unruh
    Western Kansas Corn Farmer

Latin American Testimonials

  • “I only have good things to say about these devices and recommend them to all producers; Since we installed our first OMNIENVIRO Magnetic Structurer in our electronic calf feeder, 4 years ago, and after seeing how diarrhea and bloating problems in our animals improved in just a few days, we decided that all our cattle had to have structured water. Then came the installation of a 6” Structurer in the paddock irrigation equipment, then in the farm house, in the pool and even in our urban home we have equipment installed, for a total of six or seven devices purchased. I repeat, I only have good comments and full recommendation for you to make this fabulous investment, that is what I can say…. Main Benefits Obtained in our exploitation: Healthier and more vigorous animals Increased water intake Significant increase in average milk production Greener paddocks all year round and greater irrigation efficiency Pipes, drinkers, ponds, etc; cleaner and more durable Significant reduction in the consumption of detergents and other cleaning and disinfection supplies
    Fernando Duran
  • The water structurer device marked a before and after in our blueberry cultivation, since only by structuring the water, the substrate in which the blueberries are planted better assimilates the water, and the plants better absorb all the nutrients that are supplied to them every day, the result is seen in a higher quality of fruit, foliage, greater development of productive branches, in the general state of the plant, its greenness, leafiness, freshness; therefore we highly recommend it, it is a great product, we recommend it and will continue to use it.
    Juan Manuel Duque.
  • “For four years we have been using the OMNIENVIRO HDMR magnetic water structurer device in all our farms, which has brought us a number of important benefits, among which we can highlight
    • Better body condition of animals
    • Better productive behavior especially in the high summer
    • Minimum use of antiparasitic chemicals due to better water quality
    • Stability in our breeding cattle and high levels of pregnancy at around 72%
    • Optimization of final weight gain by quality of our pastures irrigated with structured water (520 to 550 grams per day) in high summer
    • Improvement in the quality of life not only for our animals, but also for our collaborators who live on the farms
    • perfectly complements our Voisin Rotation for a GREEN CATTLE Model with minimal use of chemicals.
    • Marked preference of the animals for well water, compared to the water of ponds and jagüeyes."
    Dr. Juan José Guerra Hoyos.
  • “Since we installed OMNIENVIRO HDMR magnetic structurer devices in our farms, we have witnessed great improvements in the welfare of our animals, water intake (…from deep wells…) has increased by about 30%, which has been reflected directly in productivity… Increased milk production, Higher fertility rates, better health of our animals, among others… and the cows no longer travel long distances looking for water from lagoons and jagüeyes, but now they prefer well water, as opposed to our prior system when they avoided drinking. It is a magnificent technology and totally necessary in any farm”
    Juan Andrés García Jiménez.
    Tequendama ranch
  • Together with Ecopetrol, the Cebu association and some friends, we donated a small school in Alta Guajira, for which Ecopetrol built a deep well, but the water was too brackish, so that's when we installed an OMNIENVIRO structurer device there; today that water is drinkable; We even recently sent someone to do some repairs there at the little school; they took advantage of this and managed to get all the nearby houses to share this water for the kitchens and bathrooms, greatly improving the quality of life of the people. who use it.
    Ma. del Rocío Zapata
    Zorillos cattle raising
  • Ganaderia Zorillos
    My opinion is that there is a before and after in terms of exploitation when these devices are installed. For me these devices are sacred, because although if I were born again I would never buy a farm without water again, when I did it it was my only option and the installation of this technology solved my problems of water scarcity, the structurer devices represent efficiency, improvement of quality of life for animals and people, and the fact that the water has improved so much changed our life on the farm.
    Ma. del Rocío Zapata
    Zorillos cattle raising
  • “It is the best investment I have made in my farm; I am eternally grateful to whoever showed me this fantastic technology, because I went from irrigating 4 hectares of mombasa grass, which I used as cut grass, to more than 7 with the same amount of water. I made a hectare of 22 cuba and my neighbors are surprised to see the growth and tone of the grasses. I have never taken a cow off the farm in summer again. I almost do not deworm, because the animals drink cleaner water in their drinkers, I spend less on supplies and the equipment does not require maintenance; when they wash the well I take advantage of it and clean it and it comes back and it looks like it did when I bought it 8 years ago. Thank you thank you thank you!!
    Edgar Paba
    Atlantic Cattle Raising


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