Know the benefits for the
for the Water Treatment Sector

Find here the benefits you will achieve by installing an Omnienviro HDMR in water treatment plants

Main benefits in:

  • Reduction in the amount of chemicals and supplies
  • Shorter settling times
  • Lower levels of BOD and COD
  • Sludge digestion time

The recovery and improvement of process water constitutes a great environmental challenge for almost any company today. The OMNIENVIRO HDMR technology is a perfect tool to reach the levels currently required by the environmental authorities of any country.


Reduction in the amount of chemicals and supplies

Reduction of doses of chemicals and supplies from 25% to 35% * Coagulants, disinfectants, dispersants, regulators, and other supplies by interacting more efficiently with the molecularly rearranged water.


Lower levels of BOD and COD

• Reduction of oxygen demands in the water (BOD and COD)

• Both the biological oxygen demand (BOD) and its chemical demand (COD) are perhaps the most critical point for compliance with the parameters required by the standard. Thanks to the fact that by recirculating the water through an HDMR OMNIENVIRO Magnetic Structurer the availability of oxygen is increased; significant improvements are achieved in these parameters by simply carrying out this process on the water.



Shorter settling times

• Reduction of sedimentation times for sludge and particles

• When the water is rearranged, its surface tension decreases and, thanks to this, a more efficient hydration of particles is presented, leading to a higher speed of sedimentation of the particles and allowing with this a higher speed in the separation and therefore in the clarification of the Water


Sludge digestion time

The sludge resulting from the water cleaning process in a treatment plant must be subjected to a digestion process in which it stabilizes and reduces the level of odors and the potential for contamination. Such process is also benefited when the hydrating medium is structured, since there will be a greater activity in the process, which allows to reduce the process times between 25% to 30%.



  • Ganaderia Zorillos

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