Know the benefits for the
The Fossil Fuels Sector

Find here the benefits you will achieve by installing an Omnienviro HDMR for hydrocarbons.

Main benefits in:

  • Natural Gas and Propane
  • Diesel
  • Biogas
  • Others

Like water, Hydrocarbons are grouped in chains of molecules, generating a disorder that affects their fuel efficiency. The OMNIENVIRO HDMR technology also becomes a tool for fuel savings (Industrial Gas, Diesel and gasoline); by improving its combustion capacity.


Natural Gas & Propane

• H.D.M.R. technology. OmniEnviro implemented in natural gas or propane lines, guarantees better combustion, lower emissions, and important economic savings.

Savings between 5 and 10%



As with gas, the efficiency of biogas can also be enhanced by H.D.M.R. technology. OmniEnviro; Significant productivity improvements can be achieved with this technology. Similarly, systems can be implemented in bio fermentation tanks, improving microbial activity.




• Implementing H.D.M.R. OmniEnviro in engine fuel lines (vehicles, generators, motor pumps, etc.) guarantees better combustion, lower emissions, and significant economic savings, as well as a longer duration of said equipment

Savings between 5 and 10%



Any other type of gases and fuels (Gasoline, Fuel Oil, oxygen, CO2, etc.) will show better behavior when structured with an OmniEnviro H.D.M.R.



  • Ganaderia Zorillos

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If you want to learn more about

our OMNIENVIRO HDMR technology and devices


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