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Omnienviro H.D.M.R. Technology


Structuring of Omnienviro H.D.M.R water

Our exclusive patented technology OMNIENVIRO HDMR®️ (Hydro Dynamic Magnetic Resonance), makes it possible to recover the natural molecular order of water, in order to obtain from it its maximum potential and original activity of its purest states. Hexagonal Water obtained by simply passing any flow of water through one of our devices makes possible greater health for humans, animals, and plants, it also generates significant water savings, energy savings, great reduction in use of chemicals, greater efficiency in industrial processes, among many other benefits.
We present the perfect tool to achieve Health and Sustainability in an affordable, fast and simple way

This it how our devices improve the biological performance

The proper hydration of a living organism is essential to transport carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients, as well as oxygen to the cells, because only in this way is it possible to produce the necessary energy for its proper functioning and for the subsequent efficient elimination of toxins. Hydration is determined, in addition to quantity, by the quality of the water that said organism ingests and its physiological efficiency depends on the amount of water that manages to penetrate its cells.
Water, due to its bipolar molecule characteristics, with very few exceptions, will always be available in disordered molecular groups. Due to the attraction between its molecules and those of substances that are around, water is grouped into large clusters in which everything is incorporated, thus limiting, due to its size, the capacity to enter the cells and with this its biological efficiency.
Now, thanks to OMNIENVIRO HDMR®️ technology, it is possible for any organism to achieve perfect hydration by having Hexagonal Water available (molecularly rearranged)

This it how our devices improve the physical performance

Water is a vital input in almost any production process; agriculture, livestock farms, industry, water treatment, swimming pools, among many others. All of these are affected in their quality and productivity, depending on the greater or lesser quality of the available water.
The maximum productivity of water occurs when it has its natural molecular arrangement (e.g.:Hexagonal), such as rainwater, but until very recently it was practically impossible to have water ordered or structured this way.
The OMNIENVIRO HDMR technology makes it possible to recover the maximum productivity of water, since, among other things, it recovers very important and key characteristics for any process, such as: Lower surface tension, lower boiling point, lower freezing point, lower turbidity, lower viscosity, higher dissolving capacity, etc.
This way, any production process will be favored both from an economic and environmental point of view, by having OMNIENVIRO®️ magnetic water structuring devices installed in water supply lines and in equipment that uses it.

Easy Installation Process


OmniEnviro H.D.M.R. devices Installation Scheme

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